A simple podcast where we (Juice and Arc) talk about pretty much whatever we want to within the bounds of Halo 2. Sometimes we get distracted, but we'll stay in the realm of reason.
Download the Video (iPod)Well, here is my very first attempt at a semi-decent Halo 2 Machinima. Granted it didn't turn out as good as I would have hoped, but I did learn valuable lessons about what it takes to make a high level Halo film. Enjoy as John and Murphy take you on a ride you will soon forget... roflcopter =P
well, i thought id anounce it here, but there are a few days left before the tryouts (there may not be enough people to make cuts). take a listen to NightFox10 and Spartan1118 as they talk about what the PC clan will be about and what their looking foward to.
-Download Here--Email NightFox10- -Email Spartan1118-

Well everyone, we are back with another ground breaking episode of Halo Live Wire. Episode VI promises to be our best yet as Juice and I catalogue the last 4 levels of the Halo 2 Campaign, as well as bring you all the important news and recent happenings at Halo Live Wire! Enjoy~
- Download the Episode -- Download the Preview (iPod) -- Shownotes -Thanks to UnKnOwN NighT for this episode's artwork. Another thanks to Paradox who is designing our website.
Go check it out!EDIT: The Episode Preview has been added, and is avaliable to be downloaded through iTunes